koh phangan spa


Thai Massage

Thai massage is a massage that uses pressing with the thumb with the palm with the elbow and stretching for better flexibility, the pressure of the massage is medium to firm.

Stress Release Massage

Concentrating on your neck back and Shoulder to relieve relief with application of acupressure techniques.(Only massage the top body)

Aroma Well-being Massage

Aroma Well Being Massage is a relaxing massage for stress Rejuvenate the body.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage focuses on massage to relax the muscles. Relax And reduce muscle pain. the technique used in Swedish massage is Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction / Rubbing, Tapotement / Tapping, and Vibration. Suitable for each part of the body and muscle tension.

Herbal compress

The treatment perfectly incorporates a warm Thai herbs bag containing with the beneficial hot and spices Thai herbs, and the gently massage using the Aromatic oil to release the tight muscles. stimulates blood circulation.

Hot stone Massage

The treatment perfectly incorporates a warm Stone and the gently massage using the Aromatic oil to release the tight muscles. stimulates blood circulation.

Hot Oil Massage

Massage to relax muscles, improves the balance of the blood. Please be aware that this massage is not recommended when you have a sunburn.

Deep Tissue Massage

Helps reduce the tension of the deep muscles by using a specific technique to reach the muscles, thereby reducing the injury from muscle aches.

Indian Head massage

Uses warm coconut oil to massage and press specific points on the head while helping to nourish the hair to be soft and shiny. It helps relieve stress and helps to sleep as well.

Reflexology Massage

Clean your feet before doing a deep relaxing massage for your feet and legs using a herbal cream release blockage and increase the energy.

Hands Massage

Massage to relax for muscles the Hands and arm with the aroma Oil.


22/1 moo 5, Thong Nai Pan Noi Beach, Bantai, Koh Phangan, Suratthani 84280 Thailand

Tel : + 66 (0) 77 445 101–9
Mobile : 66(0) 87 976 3300
E-mail : [email protected]

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